What do you get when you cross a paper clip with a sticky note? Clip-Tabs™ and Clip-Flags™ by Clip-rite™. A new 2-in-1 instant organizing product for taming the paper monster, they are a simple and fast way to help organize documents and put paper in its place.
Clip-Tabs™ & ClipFlags™ integrate a strong, high quality, European-style paper clip with colorful and durable American made paper tabs. Used at work, school, or home, they can “clip & tab,” write, file and pile to instantly organize documents in one quick and easy step.
The Clip-Tab™ & Clip-Flags™ paper is made of a special paper stock that won’t smear when writing with gel or rollerball pen. Clip-Tabs come in two-toned vibrant colors and writable on both sides, making it reversible so you get twice the use out of one piece. They are reusable, removable, and recyclable.

BINDER-TABS™ update the basic binder clip by adding vibrantly colored, heavy-duty square paper tabs around the classic metal clip. The results are multi-colored binder clips with room to write notes on durable, no- smear paper tabs that pop above the stack.
Unlike binder clips that fasten without conveying the content of the papers they hold, BINDER- TABS™ communicate what they’re about above the clip. They can replace cumbersome paper file folders on the desktop by adding a zing of color-coded style in the process and making it quick and easy access to documents. BINDER-TABS™ are a double shot of high-speed function and dynamic design to keep you organizing on the cutting edge, all while having fun using them.

Stunning and vibrant with a gold touch, these magnets will for sure make a statement wherever you use them. They are perfect to hold all of your important notes, messages, pictures, memos, calendars, menus, reminder and so much more.
Use these gold foiled chic design magnets on refrigerators, magnetic dry erase board, shool lockers, metal cabinets and wherever you can.
Available in two beautiful and bright colors sets!

Clip-Tabs™, Clip-Flags™ and Binder-Tabs™ are the creation of entrepreneur Janet L., who first had the idea back in 1999, after continuously attaching sticky notes to documents with paper clips. Finding that messy, cumbersome, and time consuming, Janet had the desire to combine these 2 products into 1 to create an easy and simple tool to help her get quickly organized.
Clip-Tabs™, Clip-Flags™ and Binder-Tabs™ are now sold nationwide at Wal-mart, Staples, Office Depot, Office Max and more and all over the world, especially in Japan, China, Europe and Australia. Try out our great products to enhance your life at work, school, and/or home.
Follow us on FACEBOOK and share with us how you stay organized with our Clip-rite products.
Clip-Tabs™, Clip-Flags™ and Binder-Tabs™ are patented in the US, Europe, Japan, China and patent pending in other parts of the world. Clip-rite is a 100% Women-Owned company based in the San Francisco Bay Area founded in 2006.
For more information about Clip-rite's product line, please contact us at info@clip-rite.com.

"Love these! Easily keep several pages together and flag them at the same time-perfect! The clip itself is sturdier than most clips I've been using-they seem very flimsy and loose. These clips are tight and stay where you put them - these clips won't easily slide off your pages. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the flags are much thicker than a regular post-it note (my initial impression of the product); I would liken it to a light poster board weight. The flags come in a hard plastic 'rack' which is portable and very handy. I'm very happy with this product, and see myself ordering another set!"
I just got em and I love em. I am going to use these binder tabs in my tax practice to number the clients folders as they come in so I can keep the folders in my "to process" drawer in the order the clients came in. I very often have to move them to the "need more info" drawer. When the info comes in, I can now put them back in their proper place in the processing queue. I have been looking for something like this. The tabs are good and sturdy and stick up good too for easy viewing. Perfect size. I know I will find lots of other uses for them too. Will have to order more. Lots more! Absolutely fabulous. And the clips too are, of course, standard clips with a good firm grip.
Really good for marking pending files, tickler files, something colorful to remind you to keep your eyes open for updates.
Love the colors. Allows me to find pages or documents quickly.
I discovered these at Walmart. The closest Office supply store is 15 miles away. These are great. I am a business manager for 4 offices and color code everything!
These binder clips with the different color tabs are awesome! Very useful for organizing notebooks or as an alternative to purchasing dividers for binders!